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My name is Julia.
Just in case you found this site by hacking into one of my friend's computers and looked at the entire history and went to every single website they'd ever been to OR you clicked on a link to my webpage through one of the two incredibly hard to find places I've put it on the internet, I wanted you to know a little about me.

You know that girl wearing clothes that aren't too classy or pricey but still look good on her because she has that aura about her? That girl who kind of just threw her hair in a ponytail, yet somehow it looks like she spent hours on it? That girl who's surrounded by a group of people who just seem to highlight her existance? That girl you wish you were? Well, I used to be really good friends with that girl but time sort of pulled us apart. But I still have her telephone/address memorized for any potential stalkers.

You know that girl who always looks horrible but you keep her around because she makes you look better? That girl you invite to parties because you feel sorry for her? Well, I kicked that girls' ass. Hmm? You thought I was talking about me? No, I'm in the picture below.

Yeah, I kick ass.