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Links, so you can get your sorry ass as far away from this website as possible. (But I'll be on your back button, heh heh heh) These are the best links of the net, and I know, I live here. They're probably offended that I linked them here, but screw them! They can kiss my hairy pink ass!

Websites that Kick Ass
Mr. Nice You've seen him talk. You've seen him dance. But you've never seen him linked to a crappy site until now!
Mysterious Floating Head of 'Bob' Answer your yes or no questions in a much cooler way than some retarted 8 ball. He might lie, but he has a fucking 3rd eye!
Robot Frank Robot Frank is just plain cool, and hi-larry's-ass.
Stickdeath If you're sick like me, and love seeing stick people die horrible deaths, go here NOW!

Links that ALSO kick ASS
Viking Kittens viking kittens sing 'gay bar', it's use explaining, just see it!
The Onion Newspaper Hilarious articles about well...everything. I loved it (not for children, actually, that goes for all my links)
The Smurfs Lost Episode Papa smurf can I lick your ass?
Get Your Fortune Read! It has the best prediction powers ever. It told me "toliets will unclog at the whisper of your name" so if anyone took a huge shit just whisper "Julia" and adding "the coolest, nicest, smartest, most creative, person ever" might help too. :)
Kill Them All! This is a game where you kill a bunch of annoying people, great practice...i mean great stress relief :)