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You're still here?
You're still here? I'd of thought you'd left this site ages ago. There are like two people who liked my website but I think they've long forgotten about it. So the question is...why are YOU reading this? I mean, you have to be here, or else you wouldn't read what I'm saying....Oh wait, you probably aren't here, no one is reading this then. AHHHH!!! Damn you! You confused me! Wait, you didn't confuse me because you aren't here. Ah, fuck this, look at the stupid picture.

This is a picture of Naruto. You have no idea who he is. Even if you read dork magazine where it's a comic there is no way you'd seen the cartoon, which is were this picture is from. But that's okay, I love this picture and I'll keep it up for my own reasons.

Panda Dance
Look at the panda dancing! Now remember it, because that's the last cool thing you will ever see on this site. Haha, just kidding. I actually will put cool stuff on this site. Soon. **smirk** I actually am pretty proud of my site, I don't see why nobody else likes it...(Probably because it's full of inside jokes and pictures of Naruto) Hey! There's only one Naruto pic! I have gone off the deep end...I'm arguing with myself. Well if you some how found this site and actually got to this point, give me a pity guestbook signing, okay? Just so I know. Because I've already gone insane. **rocks back and forth looking crazy**

Go to another section already!